BibTeX style files (bst files)

To use BibTeX in a LaTeX document, a bibliography style file (bst file) has to be selected and included as the argument of a \bibliographystyle command.

bst files differ in their features, and the output produced by the conversion algorithm depends on the bst file specified when the source file is uploaded.

This page lists the bst files about which I currently have information. As additional bst files are entered by users in the file-upload form, I will investigate their properties (e.g. the fields they support) and add them to this list. (If you enter a bst file not on this list, the conversion algorithm assumes some default properties for it.)

When you click on the name of a file in this list below, its properties that are relevant to the conversion algorithm and the output it generates for the following sample document and bib file are shown.

Here is the LaTeX code for the sample document, in this case using the mla style (with natbib).

The \marginpar code in the title field for each entry produces the text in the right margin of the sample document indicating the type of each item. It would not, of course, be included in a real bib file.

bst files

Standard fields and:  doi  url  urldate  eid  eprinttype  archiveprefix  eprint  eprintclass  primaryclass  isbn  issn  translator  date

60 found

Click on the name of a file to see properties of the style (field = supported, field = unsupported) and the sample document generated using that style.

  • Type: author-date

    doi, url, urldate, eid, eprinttype, archiveprefix, eprint, eprintclass, primaryclass, isbn, issn, translator, date,

    Does not support the @online item type.

    Interprets the address field for an inproceedings item as the location of the conference.

    Available at

  • Type: author-date (requires natbib LaTeX style)

    doi, url, urldate, eid, eprinttype, archiveprefix, eprint, eprintclass, primaryclass, isbn, issn, translator, date,

    Does not support the @online item type.

    Does not require underscores in dois to be escaped.

    Interprets the address field for an inproceedings item as the city of publication of the proceedings.

    Available at

    When used with \usepackage[numbers]{natbib}, produces numbered references.

  • Type: numeric

    doi, url, urldate, eid, eprinttype, archiveprefix, eprint, eprintclass, primaryclass, isbn, issn, translator, date,

    Does not support the @online item type.

    Interprets the address field for an inproceedings item as the city of publication of the proceedings.

    Available at

  • Type: numeric

    doi, url, urldate, eid, eprinttype, archiveprefix, eprint, eprintclass, primaryclass, isbn, issn, translator, date,

    Does not support the @online item type.

    Requires underscores in dois to be escaped.

    Interprets the address field for an inproceedings item as the city of publication of the proceedings.

    Available at

  • Type: numeric

    doi, url, urldate, eid, eprinttype, archiveprefix, eprint, eprintclass, primaryclass, isbn, issn, translator, date,

    Does not support the @online item type.

    Does not require underscores in dois to be escaped.

    Interprets the address field for an inproceedings item as the city of publication of the proceedings.

    Available at

    I have been unable to find the official version of this style. If you tell me where to find it, I will get it and record its features.

  • Type: numeric

    doi, url, urldate, eid, eprinttype, archiveprefix, eprint, eprintclass, primaryclass, isbn, issn, translator, date,

    Does not support the @online item type.

    Interprets the address field for an inproceedings item as the location of the conference.

    Available at

    Items in reference list appear in order in which they are cited in the document, not in the order of their authors' names. In the example, these two orders happen to be the same.

  • Type: author-date (requires natbib LaTeX style)

    doi, url, urldate, eid, eprinttype, archiveprefix, eprint, eprintclass, primaryclass, isbn, issn, translator, date,

    Does not support the @online item type.

    Does not require underscores in dois to be escaped.

    Interprets the address field for an inproceedings item as the location of the conference.

    Available at

  • Type: author-date (requires natbib LaTeX style)

    doi, url, urldate, eid, eprinttype, archiveprefix, eprint, eprintclass, primaryclass, isbn, issn, translator, date,

    Supports the @online item type.

    Does not require underscores in dois to be escaped.

    Interprets the address field for an inproceedings item as the city of publication of the proceedings.

    Available at

    Puts hyphen in page ranges rather than en-dash, as is conventional. Supports translation field.

  • Type: author-date (requires natbib LaTeX style)

    doi, url, urldate, eid, eprinttype, archiveprefix, eprint, eprintclass, primaryclass, isbn, issn, translator, date,

    Supports the @online item type.

    Does not require underscores in dois to be escaped.

    Interprets the address field for an inproceedings item as the city of publication of the proceedings.

    Available at

    Puts a hyphen rather than an en-dash in page ranges, as is conventional. Supports translation field.

  • Type: numeric

    doi, url, urldate, eid, eprinttype, archiveprefix, eprint, eprintclass, primaryclass, isbn, issn, translator, date,

    Does not support the @online item type.

    Interprets the address field for an inproceedings item as the city of publication of the proceedings.

    Available at

    Omits description (e.g. "PhD thesis") for phdthesis item. Uses "p." rather than "pp." for page range. doi field is included in list of possible fields and in code but does not appear in output.