author: Derrida, Jacques
title: Retóricas de la droga
journal: Revista colombiana de psicología
year: 1995
volume: 4
pages: 33-44
translator: Bruno Mazzoldi
author: E. Schrödinger
title: title
journal: Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.
year: 1935
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author: Drucker, H. and Burges, C. and Kaufman, L. and Smola, A. and Vapnik, V.
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editor: M. Mozer and M. Jordan and T. Petsche
booktitle: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
publisher: MIT Press
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editor: T. K. Leen and T. G. Dietterich and V. Tresp
booktitle: Advances in neural information processing systems
publisher: MIT Press
author: Boser, B. E. and Guyon, I. M. and Vapnik, V.
year: 1992
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pages: 144-152
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publisher: ACM Press
address: Pittsburgh, PA
booktitle: Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACM Workshop on Computational Learning Theory
author: Oliveros, Roberto
title: History of the Theology of Liberation
year: 1993
pages: 3-32
translator: Robert R. Barr
editor: Ignacio Ellacuría and Jon Sobrino
address: Maryknoll
publisher: Orbis Books
booktitle: Mysterium Liberationis: Fundamental Concepts of Liberation Theology
author: Derrida, Jacques
title: Différance
year: 1982
translator: A. Bass
address: Brighton, Sussex
publisher: Harvester Press
booktitle: Margins of Philosophy
author: Eliade, Mircea
title: Rites and Symbols of Initiation (Birth and Rebirth)
year: 1958
translator: Willard R. Trask
address: London
publisher: Harvill Press
author: Al-Burh{\=a}npūr{\=\i}, Muḥammad ibn Faḍl All{\=a}h
title: The Gift addressed to the Spirit of the Prophet (al-Tuḥfa al-mursala il{\=a} rūḥ al-nab{\=\i})
year: 1965
editor: A. H. Johns
translator: A. H. Johns
address: Canberra
publisher: Australian National University
title: Trilogie Ismaélienne
year: 1961
note: Editor is translator.
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address: Paris
publisher: A. Maisonneuve
title: Roots of Yoga
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editor: Mallinson, James and Mark Singleton
address: London
publisher: Penguin Books
author: Ajzen, Icek
title: On behaving in accordance with one's attitudes
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address: Hillsdale, NJ
publisher: Erlbaum
booktitle: Consistency in Social Behavior
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title: Review of optical fibre sensors for electrical equipment characteristic state parameters detection
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journal: High Voltage
pages: 271-281
volume: 4
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author: Turner, Victor
title: Liminality and Communitas
year: 1969
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publisher: Aldine Publishing
author: Gyatso, Janet
title: The Development of the gCod Tradition
year: 1985
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editor: Barbara Aziz and Matthew Kapstein
address: New Delhi
publisher: Munshiram Manoharlal
booktitle: Soundings in Tibetan Civilization
author: Chaoul, Marco Alejandro
title: Tracing the Origins of Ch{\"o} (gcod) in the B{\"o}n Tradition
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title: A First Schedule for the Revision of the Old Narthang: Bu ston's Chos kyi rnam graṅs dkar chag
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publisher: Indica et Tibetica Verlag
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booktitle: 2021 IEEE/ACS 18th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA)
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title: The effects of oat ingredients on blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats
journal: J Food Biochem
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title: Major Cereal Grain Fibres and Psyllium about Cardiovascular Health
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booktitle: Proceedings of the IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium, PLANS 2016
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